Crowdbotics // Q2 Innovation Map Q2 Sectors Snapshot: App Volume In Q2 2022, we built or consulted on... The standout sector in Q2 was Entertainment, where we saw app volume 500+ new apps increase by almost 40% compared to Q1. In 58 different sectors Including 80 different app types The Transportation sector also increased dramatically in app volume from Q1 to Q2, App demand remained steady among all of growing by 125%. Continued pressure on the our top 15 sectors vs. Q1, with the exception global supply chain and high energy costs of Healthcare, which dropped by 13%, could drive further demand in this sector well perhaps due in part to waning worries around into Q3. COVID and less demand for virtual care apps. Q2 App Volume Q1 App Volume Entertainment Healthcare Consumer Technology & IT Transportation Education Finance Marketing E-Commerce Construction Sports Media Real Estate Food Hospitality 0 20 40 60 3

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