CROWDBOTICS: Q2 INNOVATION MAP Healthcare embraces community and competition With more people returning to work and visiting care providers in person again, practitioners are looking for new ways to differentiate and offer more value to new and returning customers. App developers are building apps that lean into community support, accountability, and friendly peer-to-peer competition. Trending in Q2: WEIGHT MANAGEMENT & WEIGHT MANAGEMENT & 01 NUTRITION APP NUTRITION APP Healthcare apps that combine education Features: virtual meetings and coaching, with peer support scheduling, weight tracking, auto-recommendations, recording exercises, goals, peer support Gamification to encourage user Cost: $200,000 engagement and consistency DENTAL HYGIENE APP DENTAL HYGIENE APP Small practices offering modern tools to 02 Features: instructional videos, brushing reminders, attract new customers and keep loyal peer challenges, timers, music integration ones Cost: $25,000 4 3 2 1 0 I r r r r g y s g n e e o n e e M P r m r e a e e r c e n o e o n i i i t i R A o g k m a e u n d n t d t t r t t c h i a a o C n n h a a a c a s c p a V n s a e G N y c z e l l r h a i a i m e a l r S T S P r a i o n C a d i l o M C s C u D n f u a a s R t r s e e m e i l e a e i e V n r F M P m D t i c a o t F S C a D 9

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