CROWDBOTICS: Q2 INNOVATION MAP Entertainment makes a triumphant return The entertainment industry suffered greatly over the past few years due to the COVID- 19 pandemic. With fears subsiding, the industry is finally bouncing back. App developers are responding by building apps that help hobbyists and niche communities build deeper connections—in virtual and physical spaces. Trending in Q2: GAMING COMMUNITY-BUILDING GAMING COMMUNITY-BUILDING 01 & SOCIAL MEDIA APP & SOCIAL MEDIA APP Hybrid virtual and in-person apps to serve Features: account creation and management, communities with passionate hobbies dating-style profiles, 1-1 and group chat, CMS Cost: $70,000 Event logistics apps that help support the return of live and in-person events LIVE EVENT LOGISTICS & LIVE EVENT LOGISTICS & Social media apps for niche interests, like 02 PLANNING APP PLANNING APP gaming, anime, music, woodworking, and Features: appointment scheduling, quote builder, more vendor management, timelines, GPS, shipping logistics Cost: $50,000 4 3 2 1 0 I r r t t g k y y g t e e n n e e e r P r r a e e r n c c c n l o o n n i y i i e i o r A o e m h u t n n u e t t t r t v a e v a t i C a l w e a a a l c a d t p E n g r G P c e D e m e e h i i a m e l r o o l i r S a h n n C D i i N m C b c e l o u D l t f o d o a a S n l t r a l e e n C i I m t - a O e o d c i n M E s P m D o C e V s o S e m C t n i n s i u o B p p A 12

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