Crowdbotics // Q2 Innovation Map Q2 App Types Snapshot: App Volume Nearly all of our top 15 app types remained at The most interesting trend seen in Q2 was at least the same volume that was seen in Q1. the presence of more data-driven applications within the top 20-25 apps we Notably, Ecommerce grew in volume helped produce for customers. between quarters, likely due to the fact that peak shopping season is quickly approaching. Business Intelligence, Performance Management, Accounting, Investment, Social Network app volume dropped slightly and Reporting all took spots just after the top 15 app types. We expect to see volume in Q2, but this remains the most common app increase in these areas as businesses refocus type that users build on Crowdbotics. efforts on profitable growth amid a possible economic downturn. App Type Q2 App Type Q1 Social Network E-Commerce Data Capture Coaching CRM Appointment Scheduler Directory Rideshare Communication Data Visualization Dating Business Intelligence Delivery Banking Content Management 0 10 20 30 40 5

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