Trends and Best Practices In Web Application Architecture As technology evolves at a rapid pace, so does web application architecture. One popular trend you’ll see is the use of service-oriented architecture. With this architecture type, most of the code for the application remains as services, and each service has its own HTTP API. This allows one segment of code to make requests to another segment of code that may be running on a different server. Another major trend that we’ve already touched on is single-page applications. The UI of this web application is delivered via a rich JavaScript application, and it resides in the user’s browser over various interactions. It also uses AJAX or web sockets to make asynchronous/synchronous requests to the web server, eliminating the need to refresh the pages. This offers a more robust experience for users thanks to limited page loads and interruptions. With the above two trends, web applications have become more sophisticated and capable of proving an optimal view on multiple platforms and devices. While most of the code for the application remains the same, it can still be viewed comfortably on smaller screens. 17

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