Weaknesses • The complexity of the development • Difficulties in support since each microservice needs to be maintained separately, which requires constant or automated monitoring 4. Serverless Architectures Strengths • Lower cloud costs • Reduction of development costs • High scalability • Faster releases • Integrated registration and control mechanisms Weaknesses • Limitation of resources like runtime, memory, throughput, and CPU usage • Security issues due to many applications running on a common platform • Limited options for monitoring and debugging 5. RAD Stack Strengths • Highly flexible and adaptable to change • Thanks to code generators and code reuse, there’s less need for manual coding • The use of code generators and reusable code means that you won’t require as large of a team to accomplish tasks. This also means that you and/or your team can focus on more valuable work • Incredibly useful when you’re looking to reduce your overall project risk • The use of scripts, intermediate codes, and high-level abstractions makes it easier to transmit deliverables Weaknesses • RAD projects can fail if developers are not committed to delivering software on deadline • Requires highly skilled designers or developers 15

The Non-Technical Founder's Guide to Building an App | CrowdBotics - Page 15 The Non-Technical Founder's Guide to Building an App | CrowdBotics Page 14 Page 16