Ch. 3 - Key Factors To Consider When Hiring Contract Engineers Advantages Of Hiring In-House Employees Scope of flexibility – Having a full-time employee provides you more freedom to plan. There is a scope of flexibility in allocating and assigning the work. Loyalty – Over time, some full-time employees might develop a sense of responsibility and belonging. They can turn out to be great assets to an organization and develop a sense of loyalty. More adaptive – Being permanent employees, they are aware of the needs of the company and can adapt to them faster than a contractor. Culture Fit: Full-time employees can be tailored to a specific working style to suit the needs of an organization. Disadvantages Of In-House Employees Lengthy onboarding process – Hiring a full-time employee is a tedious and tough process. Finding the right person for a job is as tough as it is for that person to find the right job. There can be a lot of delay in executing a project when there is a vacancy to be filled for a given position. More investment – The advantage of having in-house developers comes at a prohibitive cost. Having in-house developers means buying equipment, training, and maintaining employees. The employer is also saddled with the responsibility of bearing the expenses of employee insurance, health care, annual raises, and other incidental costs. Lack of exposure – Having been confined to the routine of office work, an in-house employee may lack the vision to execute a task dynamically. Due to limited exposure, in-house employees may also not be acquainted with trending technologies. 24

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