4. Serverless architectures – With this type of application architecture, developers no longer have to configure or manage servers using server management software. However, that does not signify a complete lack of servers—third-party cloud providers like Amazon and Microsoft offer virtual servers that dynamically handle the allocation of machine resources. 5. RAD stack – RAD stack is a relatively new player and is a combination of React Native, APIs, and Django. It allows developers to assemble applications of any size quickly and deploy them in critical contexts. Moreover, it’s the default stack of the Crowdbotics App Builder! Here are a few case studies featuring applications built with Crowdbotics: Prehab 101, Solace, and Aura. Strengths and Weaknesses of Different App Architectures 1. Single Page Applications (SPA) Strengths Weaknesses • Super fast performance compared to • Heavy browser workload traditional architectures • They require high data protection • Excellent functionality on both due to their use of cross-site scripting desktop and mobile devices (XSS), which makes it easier for • More flexibility and responsiveness hackers to get access to the since there’s no need to reload or re- client-side code and potentially add render web pages harmful scripts • Simplified and optimized development 13

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