Hybrid Application – A hybrid mobile app is created using web tools and is later compiled into two apps. There is a single code base for hybrid apps, which is an advantage because it makes it easier and faster to develop and maintain them. However, hybrid development can occasionally compromise quality and performance. Open Source Code – A big advantage of software development is knowledge sharing. Many developers share the source code of the new product or app that they develop. This accelerates learning and strengthens the whole industry, which is why Crowdbotics leverages open source technology in its app builder platform. If your company is hawking a technical product, you can use open- source code for recruiting or marketing. Programming Languages – Writing code can be compared to preparing a cake recipe. The computer will follow each instruction provided by you. But a single mistake can mess things up. Coding languages delineate the rules about how you create your recipe. Similar to spoken languages, each programming language has its syntax. Further, each coding language is built around a different philosophy and offers different benefits. Some apps or devices only support specific programming languages. Most coding languages have the same fundamentals, though the syntax may be different. Competent developers are well-versed in a few languages and can easily learn new ones. This means you should recruit for overall ability and not a specific language. 31

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