Ch. 4 - What Every Non-Technical Founder Should Know About DevOps Frontend/Backend – Each app has a frontend and backend. The backend accepts user entries, stores them, and gets data from the database. The frontend is the interface with which the end-user interacts. Frontend development involves design techniques, while backend development is focused on performance, algorithms, and data. UI and UX Design – UI is short for user interface. UI design dictates how your app looks. Thus, the focus is on animations, colors, style, typography, and other elements. UI design helps to make your software product look engaging and beautiful. UX is short for user experience. UX design concentrates on the ease of use of a product or app. It helps answer questions like does the app layout information in a sensible manner? Does it expectedly react to user input? Does it help or hinder them in solving their problem? UX design also involves automatic emails, customer support, copywriting, and more. Web App – A web application is hosted on the internet and not downloadable on your computer or mobile device. Native App – A native mobile app is created in the device’s native coding language. For iOS, this is Swift or Objective-C. For Android, it is Java or Kotlin. This specialization helps native apps perform better. Each native system has common elements and different paradigms. Developers should look to customize their app to the platform it is run on, to produce a cohesive user experience. 30

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